The Crisis Isn’t Over – Update

See last week’s post here This time last week, I was coming from the most horrible night itching and holding my sheets off my skin with my hands and teeth, for the short time that I actually stayed in bed. I was debating whether to go to the doctor and fighting my unfounded concerns about […]

The Crisis is Far From Over

My body seems to have gotten stuck in a cycle of inflammation after that house-wide contamination a few weeks ago. I tried to use topical steroids a little less because my skin was getting inflamed, but my switch to tacrolimus (Protopic) on my body was doing nothing for my rash. The inflammation feeds the development […]

Crisis Mode

On Friday, my daughter tried to be helpful. Unfortunately, she was helpful by cleaning the downstairs bathroom, the one that the cat uses. More on this later. Since finding out about my chemical contact and sinus allergies, we removed all allergenic cleaning products from our home, EXCEPT one. My husband felt it was very important […]