What is Homeopathy and How Does It Work?

Homeopathy is medication by extremely dilute quantities of toxic substances. The idea is that an ailment can be effectively treated by a substance that causes that symptom to occur in a healthy individual. In homeopathic theory, the more dilute the substance, the more potent the effect. Some homeopathic remedies (ones considered the most potent) are […]

Misadventures and Lessons in Starting a Garden

I spoke on Wednesday about sourcing and growing food. I’m still in my first few years of gardening, but I’m slowly learning the ins and outs. The first year, I went on vacation and came home to lettuce four feet tall; we offered some to our neighbour, and our unwitting neighbour walked away with two […]

The Value of Organic and Locally-Sourced Food

I used to think that there was no value in organic food. What is organic, really? A label? Something more? Though I still think there are a lot of products masquerading as “organic” when they really are nothing of the sort, I am starting to see more value in the philosophy, even if I see […]

Allergy-Safe and Environmentally-Friendly Feminine Products

This post is full of honestly described product and bodily function, so stop now if you’re squeamish. I started my journey into alternative feminine products almost a year and a half ago. I had always used Always pads and Tampax cotton cardboard applicator tampons. Pads always made me itchy in the front, and tampons seemed […]

Allergies and Family: Getting Everyone Involved

When you find out you have allergies, making a few life changes is not so much an option as a necessity. When you have reactions so bad that they affect how you think and act every moment of the day, you’re almost excited to make changes and relieve the discomfort. The problem is, your family […]

Going to the Dentist

My yearly dental check-up and cleaning came up just two months after my patch test confirmed a number of allergies. I was afraid to book my appointment, especially since I had been having a month-long reaction since the patch test, but it had to happen. Taking a cue from my hotel visits, I decided to […]

Isn’t *Anything* I Can’t Pronounce Dangerous? (or Critical Thinking About Science)

In short? No. Think about that. First of all, everything on earth either has a chemical name or is made of things that have chemical names. Yes, some have common names as well, but the fact is that everything in our world is made up of chemicals. Have you ever seen the warnings for dihydrogen […]

The Mental Cost Of Allergies

Anyone can tell you that being sick is stressful. But what if you were sick off and on all the time and didn’t know why? You’d have a good day one day, and just about start to feel normal, and then go right back to being as sick as a dog by the end of […]

The Price of Going Back, and the Conscious Choice

Before I get too far into posting safer cleaner and toiletry recipes, it’s important to talk about just what we’re getting into by stepping away from brand name products. Lots of people post natural “alternatives,” but very few talk about how your life will change. There’s a reason that companies make big profits selling us […]